Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's been a long haul ....

It has been a long time since we were active with our blog. As we said back in 2011 - life has been busy. The kids are older and the time flies. But no excuses! Cooking is our hobby and we love it! So with renewed vigor we are recommitting ourselves to keeping everyone up on our travels down the culinary highway.

Since we last posted (almost 2 years ago!!!), there has really only been one significant change in our foody habits - we found out we really like wine ...

We are no experts when it comes to wine. In fact, we're really very simple - we like what we like and will drink it with whatever we want to. See simple! We don't like whites, so we have reds with everything. And, you know what, they always seem to taste really good. Who knew wine could be so simple.

So, as we jump back on the cooking bandwagon, we are going to include the different wines we have along the way. Stay tuned. We welcome your company as we keep trying different foods and wines. Remember, it's not the destination, it's the journey.

To get back in the swing of sharing, this is one of our favorite wines at our current stop in life - Cheers!

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